martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

Plan of activities

Since the being of this blog we have learn how are body works and what happen when we don't take care of it. Healthy people doesn't mean to be thin or being unhealthy to be fat. Is a balance, and you achieve that with a good diet and a plan of exercise make to you. If you want to start to take care of you and don't know how let me help with videos and blog from other place :).

This link is of a of nutrition, she is really good and even has her own TV show, she explains how sacrificing food is not healthy and how to find the perfect diet for you. Yo can found there testimonies, her blog and her Facebook page.

Here in "Tone it Up" fun girls will show you 15 min max. exercise to do in home. They are efficient and easy, they are super charismatic and also show you how to cook to keep up with you exercise plan, here ill put there link to there channel and some videos.

Link to there channel:

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